Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Yeh andar ki baat hona chaahiye

Open question cum random rant:

I was at Bangalore Central recently. For the uninitiated, it is one of the 32767 malls that have sprung up in B'lore city in the past few years - I guess the idea is that, if you're not creating Enterprise Java Beans, the only acceptable alternative is to be shopping.

Which brings me to my specific rant: I saw this brand of men's underwear called Chromozome, or something like that. The tagline was, if I remember correctly, "Fashion innerwear for men".

Here's what I don't get: If you're not Superman, why should this interest you at all?

A friend of mine attempted to provide some illumination on the subject: Underwear is a very popular gift item from the opposite sex. Or from the same sex - let it not be said that I'm not an equal opportunity blogger. Hence the idea of creating a premium segment.

I kinda get it. Although, frankly, it still seems like an odd way of marketing underwear. Maybe the problem is word associations: when someone says fashion innerwear, my instinct is of some guy walking down the ramp in the nearly-altogether.

1 comment:

Yi Bhopal said...

If Victoria's Secret can become a $ 3.2B just by selling womens lingerie, why cant our very own 'Chromosome' try to do the same?? Seems like there is some value proposition there ......